GS01 - Making Sense of Congregationsl Finances - Dr. David King |
A1 - Refresh Your Church Facility (Churches by Daniels) - by Charlie DanielsA2 - Strategies to Increase Ministry Funding (Horizons) - Joel MikellA3 - Data Analytics: Divine Insight or Heresy (ACS Technologies) - Brett Herzog
A4 - Changing Landscape of Religious Giving - Dr. David King
A5 - Self Care for Administrators * - Dr. Bob Winstead
A6 - Employment Classification - Wages and Benefits CPE - Frank Sommerville
A7 - Values, Icons, and Opions - Dr. Bill Wilson
A8 - What's New in Church Tax Law? CPE - Mike Batts
A9 - The Physical Side of Security - Nathan Parr
A10 - Protecting Our Youth - What Is Your Risk Rating? - Sherrie Turner
B1 - The State of Church Engagement(Blackbaud) - Joel Guthrie
B2 - Serve Full Circle: From Baptism to Death (Homecoming) - Ben Foley
B3 - Beyond the Tithe (HighGround Advisors) CPE - Marion Armstrong
B4 -Changing Landscape of Religious Giving (R) - Dr. David King
B5 - Theology and Ethics of Church Administration* - Dr. Terry Bertrand
B6 - Building Blocks of Compensation Plans CPE - Elaine Sommerville
B8 - Effective Financial Oversight for Churches CPE - Mike Batts
B9 - Remote Staff Work Panel - Nick Nicholaou
B10 - 5 Building Blocks of Church Financial Integrity CPE - Vonna Laue
C2 - How to Engage Millennials (Vision2Systems) - by Heiko Henning
C3 - Mastering Workplace Investigations (Fisher Phillips) - Lisa McGlynn
C5 -Information Technology - Part 1* CPE - by Nick Nicholaou
C6 - He Said; She Said CPE - by Elaine/Frank Sommerville
C7 - 7 Church Financial Metrics Worth Tracking CPE - by Rick Cadden
C10 - Staff Team Dynamics - by Rhonda York
D1 - A Proven Answer to Skyrocketing Beneftis ( ChHMin) - Bea Rosenhauch
D2 - The Mobile Future of Your Ministry (TouchPoint) - Chris Dolan
D3 - Church Reimagined for Mixed-Uset (GFF) - Stephen Pickard
D4 - Are Designated Funds Out of Style? CPE - Rodney Smith
D5 - Information Technology - Part 2* CPE - Nick Nicholaou
D6 - He Said; She Said CPE (R) - Elaine/Frank Sommerville
D7 - Basic Accounting CPE - Vonna Laue
D8 - Leading through Transition - Denise Craig
D9 - Keeping Your Congregation Safe - Christophor Periatt
Workshop F |
E1 - Become a Data-Driven Leader (SageIntacct) CPE - Joan Benson
E2 - Embedded Church Facilities (Building God's Way) - Don Mahoney
E3 -Sexual Misconduct in Ministry (Brotherhood Mutual) - Kathleen Turpin
E4 -Mobile and Online Giving Platform (Givelify) CPE - Walle Mafolasire
E5 - Retirement Planning for Your Facility - Tim Cool
E6 - MinistryPay: Compensation Data Analysis CPE - Phill Martin
E7 - Advanced Accounting CPE - Vonna Laue
E9 - Chapter Connect: Building and Growing a Local Community - Harold Carlson
E-10 So You Want to Be a CCA? - Laurel Swanson
F-01 CPE Legal and Tax Developments - Richard Hammar, JD, LLM, CPA