A2 - Executing Grace: How the Death Penalty Killed Jesus & Why It's Killing UsA3 - Mass Incarceration’s Community Effects and Restorative Justice as the Solution
A4 - Overview of CCDA Philosophy
A5 - Moviendo hace Adelante: Transformación del Vecindario
A6 - More than a Game: Using Sports to Develop Leaders
A7 - Leadership FWD: School-based Leadership Development
A8 - Disciple-making for Community Transformation
A9 - Serving the Vulnerable Among Us: Models for Working with Latino Communities
A10 - Accompanying and Advocating for Asylum Seekers in an Anti-Immigrant Age
A11 - The Doctrine of Discovery and the Heresy of Christian EmpireA12 - Maintenance RequiredA13 - A CCDA Approach to Business and Social EnterpriseA14 - Strategic Planning 101 |
B1 - Education Equity: Equipping Parents as Educational Partners
B2 - Home in the Neighborhood
B3 - Research-based Racial Reconciliation: How to Map & Strengthen Local Social Infrastructure
B4 - How to Implement Holistic Ministry to Incarcerated Young People
B5 - Connecting Globally for Greater Local Impact
B6 - Hyphenated Identities in CCD Leadership
B7 - Deconstructing the Story of “White”B8 - Living Intentionally: Perspectives on Poverty
B9 - Herramientas para Cultivar el Bienestar en la Comunidad: Modelo de Bienestar
B10 - Bread for the Resistance
B11 - Empowering Financial Education Aimed at Restored CommunityB12 - Beyond Money: A Conversation with Charitable Trust & Foundation StaffB13 - Mission: Border Hope - Developing Sustainable Relationships in the Rural CommunityB14 - Better Together: Team-Building for Kingdom Impact |
C2 - Stories as Bridges- Diverse Intersections of Belonging
C3 - Rethinking Incarceration: Mobilize the People, Change the System
C4 -A Church-centered Approach to Gun Violence in America’s Cities
C5 - Moving FWD: in Neighborhood Transformation
C6 - Afterschool and Summer Programs as a Catalyst for CCDA Principles
C7 - Organizing your Church to Engage your Community
C8 - How Churches Can Drive GentrificationC-9 - Intimate Partner Violence: Holding Space, Moving ForwardC10 - Toxic MasculinityC11 - Ministry Formation in the MarketplaceC12 - Inclusive Opportunity Zone Investments for Christian Community DevelopmentC13 - FWD: Succession in CCD - Shoulders, Shadows, & Streams |
D1 - Heaven for a G?: Hip Hop, Film, & The Great Commission
D2 - Beyond Welcoming the Stranger: Decentering Whiteness in Immigration Ministries
D3 - Moving the Community FWD: The Ups and Downs of Launching a CCDA Local Network
D4 - Teaching ABCD for the Rural Context
D5 - From Passions to Advocacy: Educating for Excellence
D6 - Stop Wasting Time: Start Winning Urban Young Adults for Christ!
D7 - Undivided: Moving Congregations Toward Racial Reconciliation and Justice
D8 - Beyond the Opioid Crisis & Into Communities
D9 - Acompañando y Abogando por Solicitantes de Asilo en una Época Anti-Migrante
D10 - Cultivating Healing Spaces: Strategies for Wholeness and Wellbeing on a Community-Level
D11 - Just the Basics: Marketing 101
D12 - The Power of Prayer in CCD
D13 - Developing a Healthy Organizational Culture